Discover Scotland’s stories with Books from Scotland.
Keira Brown
Communications Executive
Edinburgh City of Literature Trust
20 Sept 2023
Publishing Scotland reflect the best of Scottish literature with their curated range of titles, via Books from Scotland.

Books from Scotland was established by Publishing Scotland to best represent the literature that comes from Scottish writers, tales or those with connections to the country. Scotland, having a long, illustrious history of tales, folklore and storytelling as well as creative thought, is well-served by books and literature, with no shortage of choice.
They carefully curate a range of titles, books either published in Scotland, of Scottish interest, or written by a writer with Scottish connections, to offer a flavour of what’s published, what’s new, and the best of Scottish titles worth delving into. To subscribe to Books from Scotland click here.
If you like the look of a title there's also a wide range of bookshops in Edinburgh to choose from. For a snapshot of some of these, do browse our compiled independent bookshop list.
Owned by Publishing Scotland (the network, trade and development membership organisation which represents the publishing industry), the site shares their ethos – that of promoting and championing the work of Scottish publishers and writers, particularly independent publishers. They welcome your suggestions of new books to feature via this email: editor@booksfromscotland.com.
Publishing Scotland is part-funded by Creative Scotland.