Edinburgh's Libraries Get Ready to Re-open
by Siân Bevan
Communications and Community Support,
Edinburgh City of Literature Trust
30 April 2021
Edinburgh's libraries have been much missed during the latest lockdown but, from Monday 3 May, some sites in the city will be opening their doors again.
As COVID-19 restrictions put limits on the opening of public buildings, some libraries had to close, while others have been serving as essential testing centres. However, as the Level 3 restrictions have come into force, there can now be a gradual re-opening of services. As expected, numbers within the building will still be restricted, and library users are being asked to book a slot to browse the books, use a computer or collect hearing aid batteries.
Which sites are opening?
Monday 3 May
- Central Library Central Lending and Children's Library only
- Kirkliston Library
- Drumbrae Library
Monday 10 May
- Craigmillar Library
- Fountainbridge Library
- McDonald Road Library
- Stockbridge Library
Monday 17 May
- Westerhailes Library
Monday 24 May
- Gilmerton Library

Bookings can be made online by clicking this link, or by phoning the library in advance. No need to book if you're just dropping off books, so now's a good time to find the dusty piles which you've been storing all year.
To keep everyone safe, Edinburgh Libraries are supporting the Test and Protect service from NHS Scotland. This means that your name, phone number and details of your visit will kept on record for 21 days, in order to contact people who may have been exposed to Coronavirus.

Like us, you're probably looking forward to getting back to your local library. We'll keep you updated as news comes in of the other sites re-opening, or of any changes to the services as we move through different levels. Don't forget, the National Library of Scotland's Reading Rooms are also open again to members with a limited service; find out more on the NLS website.
In the meantime, happy browsing, happy borrowing and happy reading to everyone able to get to their local library. Share the love on social media using the hashtag #LibrariesAreEssential, to make sure everyone knows that libraries are still a key part of Edinburgh's cultural and community life.