Applications are now open for the Nanjing 2020 International Writers Residency
by Ali Bowden
Communications, Edinburgh
City of Literature Trust
8 July 2020
The Nanjing International Writers Residency Programme was set up as a way of sharing and building on the creative practices and multicultural experiences of talented writers from across the UNESCO Cities of Literature.
Each year, six to eight authors from participating cities will be chosen to take part in a one-month residency programme in Nanjing, China.
Activities will be organised during the programme to help visiting writers learn about different aspects of the local culture, better understand Nanjing's local literature, and gain creative inspiration from these new experiences.
Public events such as book readings and author discussions will also take place, and during the residency programme, writers will be encouraged to engage in writing pieces based on their experiences in Nanjing. The works created whilst here will be translated into Chinese and published on local media platforms at the end of the programme.

Who can apply?
Writers and translators.
Documents Required
- A CV including personal information, education, employer, literary works published, literary awards and China (or Nanjing) visit/experiences if applicable;
- A cover letter including your motivation to apply and any interests about Nanjing/China;
- A sample/extract of published works (in Chinese or in English) or sample of a translated text (English to Chinese or Chinese to English)
Funding and Support Included
- Round trip transportation expenses (international and domestic flights at economic class; CRH train transportation within China);
- Accommodation during residency, including bedroom for one and a studio/ work station;
- Stipends of approximately USD 800 (to cover expenses on local transportation, dining, communication, etc.)
Deadline to Apply
31 July 2020.
Please send all required documents (in DOC or PDF) to: will.chang@njliterature.org with CC to yuan.lilas@qq.com, ray.bai@njliterature.org
More information can also be found over on Nanjing City of Literature's website.