Quebec City of Literature programmed Multivox
Keira Brown
Communications Executive
Edinburgh City of Literature Trust
24 November 2023
Multivox was programmed by Québec, ville de littérature as part of literary festival Quebec en toutes lettres, and included work by Edinburgh writer Andrés N. Ordorica.
The UNESCO Cities of Literature network had their annual conference in October 2023 in Quebec City. to show the way literature and writing can bring people together across countries and languages, the mutilingual sound installation Multivox was created.
The audio-literary work included 42 poets, one representing each UNESCO City of Literature - from Edinburgh we had Andrés N. Ordorica. The poets were invited to record a poem that responded to the theme, the territories of memory - the memory of territories.
The literary festival Quebec en toutes lettres also curated a choreographed performance in Quebec City that responded to this audio literary work, as part of Quebec City of Literature's programme of events.
It was so wonderful to hear Andrés reading out his piece in this international setting. You can listen to his poetry here.
If you wish to know more about the Conference as a whole, you can click here.